Group Exhibition: “Landscape: Real and Imagined” at Site: Brooklyn
November 4, 2018
Landscape: Real and Imagined
Site: Brooklyn Gallery
November 16th – December 15th, 2018
Artistic rendering of landscape is not the passive accumulation of naturalist detail, but an active operation: it is of this world as well as in it. Land (natural, biological, and manmade forms) is aesthetically processed — idealized, deconstructed, abstracted, sanctified — and turned into landscape. The critic W. J. T. Mitchell argued that landscape is not so much a genre as a “medium of exchange between the human and the natural, the self and the other.”
If landscape is a medium of exchange, what is being exchanged? This show, presenting 48 artists, working across painting, photography, and print, as well as the intersections of multimedia, answers this question in a variety of ways. Many artists update the legacy of the avant-garde, using abstraction, collage, and other means of dislocation to force viewers to reconsider what they take to be natural. Others stake a more classic position, seeking out the Renaissance ideal of “amenity” or the sensory pleasure of well-ordered nature, which carries its own implications in our increasingly hyperreal and synthetic world. And still others move away from the two dimensional, bringing painting and sculpture into direct conversation. However, what they all share is succinctly captured in Wallace Steven’s “Anecdeote of the Jar,”
It took dominion everywhere.
The jar was gray and bare.
It did not give of bird of bush.
Like nothing else in Tennessee.
The slight intervention of the jar transforms and then dominates unruly, nature, everything takes a point in relation to it. This show explores that ongoing relation.
Site: Brooklyn Gallery is pleased to present Landscape: Real and Imagined juried by Eileen Jeng Lynch.
Artists: Aaliyah Gupta, Aaron Asis, Andrew Arend, Ann Cofta, Ann Marie Auricchio, Annie Varnot, Athena Atocha, Beth Ganz, Bill Burgess, Christine Aaron, Claudine Metrick, Elizabeth Gargas, Françoise Soulé Zinsou Duressé, Hannah U, Jen Noone, Jessie Novik, Jolene Powell, Joomi Chung, Katie Westmoreland, Kayo Albert, Marcelyn Bennett Carpenter, Maria Ossandon Recart, Marianne Barcellona, Mark Granlund, Matthew Arnold, Meridith McNeal, Nathan Taves, Patty Cateura, Rebecca Schultz, Rosalyn Bodycomb, Rosalyn Carlino, Russell Horton, Ruth Jeyaveeran, Scott Bae, Scott Groeniger, Seungkyung Oh, Sophia Lee, Soulaf Abas, Stefan Hagen, Timothy Clifford, Whitney Sage, Yasemin Kackar-Demirel, Zachary Skinner
For more information and for links to the press release and a downloadable catalog, visit: